What do I do with all this free time?
That was my first thought when I first got my schedule. Free time Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Free time Tuesday and Thursday afternoons... Compared to my past teaching experience, this was nothing.
So what could I do with it?
Let's work more! YEAH!
...well. I decided early on that I would give myself office hours - a set time each week when my students could come and talk to me outside of class. And since I don't have an office at the university, I made my own.
Yep. Brick by brick, lego piece by lego piece, I built four walls, a roof, and a desk for myself.
Then, when a baby-having-a-tantrum knocked it all over, I established myself at a local coffee shop on West Street (the street right outside my community that connects my home with the university).
It's a western-style coffee shop. I'm a little embarrassed to say that I come here almost everyday. They have American-style coffee, really good lattes, some teas, some attempts at western-style cakes, and egg tarts (蛋挞). Oh! It also has ice cream.
I like ice cream.
The best part? It has wifi. Wifi is very hard to find in this city. I have wireless internet at home, but I'm not very productive when I'm there. So it's good to have a place where I can go to get some work done. A lot of students come here too - more for the internet than the coffee, since internet access on campus is limited.
So... this is what my 'office' looks like:
And... my favorite part of this cafe? It's got an awesome poster picture thingy.
Welcome to the Party!
First: That's... my man, Mao, setting the beat (coughs). Lenin's dancing with a party hat. Carl Marx is spinning around on the ground, break dancing. Castro and Stalin are sharing a drink: The Cuban's got a beer. Stalin's sipping on his martini.
So yeah. The Party.
Twice a week, two hours a day, I am here - sometimes just in time for the free egg tarts that comes with my coffee. Sometimes I miss it by a few minutes... but that's ok. A few of my students come every week... and we just chat. We talk about American culture and Chinese culture and current events and... whatever else we can think about. My really dedicated students have pen and paper out to write down whatever expressions I end up using that they don't understand.
It's laid back. It's fun. And I think, thanks to the proximity of our ages... it sometimes kinda blurs the line between teacher and friend. They don't think of me like they think of the other Chinese teachers, but they're also careful not to disrespect me.
Sometimes huge groups come at one time. Sometimes, only one or two students show up. I actually really enjoy it when only one student shows up - especially because then the student is much more willing to talk about things that the students, as a class, would shy away from talking. It's a chance to at least bring up more controversial topics. The topic that I have the hardest time with my students about concerns their views on Japan as a culture and a country.
...But yeah.
Those are my office hours.
In a coffee shop.
Thus... my "coffee" hours.
Clever, eh?
...Heh. I'm also there outside of coffee hours though. When I need to be productive... or when I want to just hang out with the other foreign teachers, or when I want some dessert after a meal... I come here.
The QiLinHe.
I also come here to write blog entries. And now that the place is open again after its week-long Chinese New Year holiday, I'll be here everyday too... updating... people on my adventures. Updating.. er.. anyone who reads this.
Or just.. updating... for..
Er. You. Whoever you are.
'Til next time.